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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

An a assignment for our family

 The Branch President where Brady is serving emailed us and asked us to track down a man that had at one time sereved in Plauen as a missionary and was the Branch President while he was serving there. He sent me an address of his last known residence. It was in Sandy Ut. So Jerry and I went on a Sunday afternoon to see if we could find this man Karl Roscher. There was no one home but we left a note.  The next morning I recieved a sweet phone call from a sweet 85 year old sister. Her name is Dorrthea Roscher. She was Karls wife. He passed away 20 years before But she showed us pictures of his time serving in the area of Plauen. What a great expereince we had of meeting this lady and hearing her amazing story. What an example of courage and strenght she was. I was so glad I had my other childern there so they could hear the great story of her life. We video taped the whole time we where there and are sending it to Bradys Branch President. He is having a celebration of 100 years of having missionaries in Plauen and he wanted a recording of this mans time in Plauen.. The Branch President wanted us to asks one question to her specifically. He wanted to know what she would tell the youth in Plauen.. She very clearly said " I would tell them to step up and be missionaries. Why is Plauen still a Branch why is there not several wards there now. Now is your time to be missionaries."  She was a very strong German lady and was so proud of her heritage.  She wouldnt let my children leave before she gave them some German candy. She then promised to come to our home and cook an authentic German meal so I would know that my son was eating the best food in all the world.  An evening me and my family will treasure for always.


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